May 30, 2013

MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error and has taken an automated recovery action by moving the database

SCOM can help monitor your Exchange 2010 environment. There are a lot of alerts sent by SCOM and although some are information alerts. Some alerts do need to be attended to

In this particular case, this is a common alert that you can receive when the queue becomes corrupt. These are some steps to resolve that alert.

----Original Message-----
From: scom
Subject: Alert: MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error and has taken an automated recovery action by moving the database. Resolution state: New

Alert: MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error and has taken an automated recovery action by moving the database.
Source: Transport - <SERVERNAME> (Common)
Path: <SERVERNAME>;<SERVERNAME>(Common) -  Last modified by: System Last modified time: 4/19/2012 2:15:50 AM Alert description: Transport Mail Database: MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error and has taken an automated recovery action.  This recovery action will not be repeated until the target folders are renamed or deleted. Directory path:D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Queue\QueueDB is moved to directory path:D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Queue\QueueDB\Queue.old, and directory path:D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Queue\QueueLogs is moved to directory path:D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Queue\QueueLogs\Queue.log.old.
EventSourceName: MSExchangeTransport

  Computer: <SERVERNAME>

  Impacted Entities (0):

Alert view link: "http://SCOM:51908/default.aspx?DisplayMode=Pivot&AlertID=%7ba9d4220e-670a-40e0-8e27-df195d06a54f%7d"
Notification subscription ID generating this message: {53784250-AC68-9DCF-6563-F06B960D9CAC}


What this alert means is that the Transport Service detected a problem with the queue, so it moved the current queue file, checkpoint, logs to the folders specified below and resumed working on a new copy.
These files won’t be truncated / removed by a backup since they are no longer the production files, so they should be removed:

Login to the server:
Navigate to d:\Program Files\...\Queue\QueueDB and remove the folder Queue.Old and its content
Navigate to d:\Program Files\...\Queue\QueueLogs and remove the folder Queue.Log.Old and its content

Until this is done, Exchange will not be able to perform this self-correction feature.
Then close out the SCOM alert in the System Center Operations Manager 2007 r2 console.


NB: You want to remove these folders as there is a problem with the queue. Never restore from these folders, it will cause problems.

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