December 31, 2016

Exchange 2010 Reports

Recently I have been running a number of reports consistently for an overall view of the Exchange environment.

These are my top 4 favorite reports which are all available for download on Microsofts tech net:

Active Directory topology Diagrammer - setup.msi

1.    Exchange Architecture Report

·       Run this from an Exchange server with administrator level permissions. The script will produce an HTML report.
·       Open Powershell for Exchange, run the powershell script below:
·       .\E2K10_Architecture_GUI_V2.02.ps1
·       This needs the Exchange extest account to run completely. This can be created by running New-TestCASConnectivityUser.ps1 from $exscripts.
·       This runs a GUI. Check “Select All” 
·       Number of jobs, select 2-6. Selecting a lower number will run slower but it will less likely impact performance this way.
·       Click Execute.
Download from: 

2.    Exchange Environment report

·       Run this from an Exchange server with administrator level permissions. The script will produce an HTML report.
·       Open Powershell for Exchange, run the powershell script syntax below:
·       .\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1 -HTMLReport c:\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.html

Download from:

3.    Public Folder replication report

·       Run this from an Exchange server with administrator level permissions. The script will product an HTML report.
·       Open Powershell for Exchange, and run the powershell script syntax below:
·       .\Get-PublicFolderReplicationReport.ps1 -FileName "PublicFolderReplicationReport.html"
      Download from: 

4.    Active Directory Topology Diagrammer

·       Run this on a workstation with Visio (minimum 2003) installed. Do not run on a production Exchange server.

·       Run setup.msi with elevated rights such as admin account
     Download from: