This can be used if you find that multiple or all databases are in failed content index state. This is especially handy if you have many databases (for example 50 databases) and lag copy servers and databases.
.\RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1 -DagName USDAG001 -BalanceDbsByActivationPreference –Confirm:$false” -ShowFinalDatabaseDistribution
Restart the indexer service on all of the MBX servers if it is complaining about failed content state for multiple (or all) databases
Check that they are mounted correctly and index is in a healthy state for each MBX server.
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server NYCS001 | where {$_.status -eq "mounted"}
Name Status CopyQueueLength ReplayQueueLength ContentIndexState
USDB023\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB021\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB019\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB017\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB015\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
Set the lag servers auto activation to blocked via this cmdlet:
Set-Mailboxserver -Identity NYCS003 -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked
Set-Mailboxserver -Identity NYCS006 -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked
Remove all database copies on both lag servers using the Exchange console (EMC), but you could also use a powershell command:
Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity USDB001 -MailboxServer NYCS003 -ActivationPreference 5 -ReplayLagTime 5.00:00:00
Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity USDB001 -MailboxServer NYCS006 -ActivationPreference 6 -ReplayLagTime 5.00:00:00
Check replication and you can see that it is no longer complaining about cluster network.
Test-ReplicationHealth -Identity nycs001
Server Check Result Error
------ ----- ------ -----
NYCS001 ClusterService Passed
NYCS001 ReplayService Passed
NYCS001 ActiveManager Passed
.\RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1 -DagName USDAG001 -BalanceDbsByActivationPreference –Confirm:$false” -ShowFinalDatabaseDistribution
Restart the indexer service on all of the MBX servers if it is complaining about failed content state for multiple (or all) databases
Check that they are mounted correctly and index is in a healthy state for each MBX server.
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server NYCS001 | where {$_.status -eq "mounted"}
Name Status CopyQueueLength ReplayQueueLength ContentIndexState
USDB023\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB021\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB019\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB017\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
USDB015\NYCS001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy
Set the lag servers auto activation to blocked via this cmdlet:
Set-Mailboxserver -Identity NYCS003 -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked
Set-Mailboxserver -Identity NYCS006 -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked
Remove all database copies on both lag servers using the Exchange console (EMC), but you could also use a powershell command:
Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity USDB001 -MailboxServer NYCS003 -ActivationPreference 5 -ReplayLagTime 5.00:00:00
Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity USDB001 -MailboxServer NYCS006 -ActivationPreference 6 -ReplayLagTime 5.00:00:00
Check replication and you can see that it is no longer complaining about cluster network.
Test-ReplicationHealth -Identity nycs001
Server Check Result Error
------ ----- ------ -----
NYCS001 ClusterService Passed
NYCS001 ReplayService Passed
NYCS001 ActiveManager Passed